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Directions:  You can work the Math problems on a sheet of paper.  

Week of April 6-10

 Day One:  1) 17+2=  2) 13+3=  3) 7+2=  4) 13+1=  5) 9+1=

 Day Two:  1) 5+3=  2) 8+2=  3)13+1=  4) 6-5=  5) 7-3=

 Day Three:  1)12+3=  2) 6-1=  3) 5-2=  4) 6+3=  5) 7-4=

 Day Four:  1) 7+5=  2) 9-3=  3) 7+5=  4) 20+ 3= 5) 4+5=

 Day Five:  I have 4 hats.  My brother gave me  3 more hats.  How many hats do I have 

  now?  Draw a picture to show how to work the problem.


Week of April 13-17

 Day One:  1) 18+ 1=  2) 9+0=  3) 32-0=  4) 46+1= 5) 19+1= 

 Day Two:  1) 54+0=  2) 16+5= 3) 3+5= 4) 13+4= 5) 5+5=

 Day Three:  Circle the greatest number. 1) 21  12  2) 72  28  3) 15  17  4) 64  46  5) 18   81 

 Day Four:  Circle the number that is less in value.  1) 6   9  2) 21   20  3)  79  77  4) 64  46

 Day Five:  Sam had 9 jellybeans.  He ate 5 jellybeans.  How many jellybeans does Sam have left?  Draw a picture to show how to work the problem.


Week of April 20-24

 Day One:  Circle the greatest number.  1) 106  99   2) 153  150  3)  16  20   4) 36   63  

 5) 28  30

 Day Two:  1) 5 pennies + 2 pennies=  2) 8 pennies + 4 pennies=  3) 7 pennies + 8   pennies  4) 11 pennies + 4 pennies=  5) 6 pennies + 3 pennies  (You can use   real pennies or draw circles for each penny to count the pennies.)

 Day Three:  1) 20 + 7=  2) 15 + 4=  3)  8-2=  4) 13-7=  5) 11-6=

 Day Four:  Look around your house.  1)  Draw something that is the shape of a circle.

 2) Draw something that is the shape of a square.  3) Draw something that is the   shape  of a triangle.  4) Draw something that is the shape of a rectangle.  5) Watch   this video about shapes.

 Day Five:  Beth has 10 circles.  She gives 8 circles to Jim.  How many circles does   Beth have left?  Draw a picture to show how to work the problem.


Week of April 27- May 1

 Day One:  Complete the pattern.   5, 6, 7, __, __, __, __, __

 Day Two:  Complete the pattern.  5, 10, 15, __, __, __, __, __

 Day Three:  Complete the pattern.  2, 4, 6, __, __, __, __, __

 Day Four:  Complete the pattern.  1, 3, 5, __, __, __, __, __

 Day Five:  I saw 12 birds in a tree.  Then, I saw 8 more birds fly to the tree.  How   many birds are in the tree now?  


Week of May 4-8


Day One:  Listen to the Read Aloud Shape Spotters.


Day Two:  Draw a circle.  Find 3 objects that have circles in your house.


Day Three:  Draw a triangle.  Find 3 objects that have triangles in your house.


Day Four:  Draw a square:  Find 3 objects that have squares in your house.


Day Five:  Draw a rectangle:  Find 3 objects that have rectangles in your house.



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